Bonus Content Overview
This repository contains all of the Bonus Content from our QGIS for Geologists – Intermediate course.
As per the summary below, this group includes one GIS Package, five separate Cheat-sheets and one Resource. If you would like to see more detailed information about each individual item, please visit the Bonus Content page.
DEM Coverage
Vector Editing
Raster Editing
Geological Profiler
To buy just the Intermediate Bonus Content, there is a one-off up-front fee.
We offer both 'standard' discounts to certain groups all year-round, as well as more 'festive' rate reductions from time to time: check here.
If you would like to review
QGIS for Geologists – Intermediate
itself, you can click this button
Provides lifetime access to all current
and future bonus content from
QGIS for Geologists – Intermediate
Here on the G4G website.
Once purchased and logged-in to your personal account here on the GIS for Geologists website, you will be able to access this Intermediate Bonus Content repository. This is powered by the Thinkific learning management system so it will still appear as a "course", but there you will find one "lesson" which contains links to download all of the content listed above.
This repository only includes the items of bonus content that are entirely exclusive to the QGIS for Geologists – Intermediate course.
Like our courses, with lifetime access, any extra content added to the course after you have purchased it will be available to you free of charge.
Unfortunately not.
This is because the 'instantly downloadable' form of the content would make it easily open to abuse. Discounts, however, can still be applied at the check-out, but only the courses themselves are insured by the money-back guarantee.